Check Balanced Parenthesis using Stack š
In this article, We are going to solve the Balanced Parenthesis Algorithm.
First things first, let's know something about this algorithm.
What is Balanced Parenthesis Algorithm?
Here, We're given an N sized string expression with only opening and closing brackets of the kinds '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', and ']'. The task is to determine whether the provided expression has balanced parenthesis or not.
The parentheses are balanced if,
- There is a matching closing bracket for each opening bracket.
- All brackets are closed in the correct order.
For example :
Input : "{()[]}"
Output : Balanced
Input : "{[(])}"
Output : Not Balanced
How to Solve It?
The Stack data structure can be used to overcome this problem. Let's look at the algorithm:
- Traverse the string.
- If an opening bracket is in the string, push it onto the stack.
- Check the top of the stack if there is a closing bracket.
- Pop and move ahead in the string if the top of the stack has the opening bracket that matches the current closing bracket.
- The parenthesis are not balanced if the top of the stack does not match the current closing bracket's opening bracket. If that's the case, exit the loop.
- The parenthesis are not balanced if the stack is empty.
- If the stack is not empty after traversing, the parentheses are not balanced. Otherwise, print balanced.
Source Code in C++
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
bool checkBalancedParanthesis(string expr)
stack<char> s;
int len = expr.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
char currentSymbol = expr[i];
if (currentSymbol == '(' || currentSymbol == '[' || currentSymbol == '{')
if (s.empty())
return false;
char topElement;
switch (currentSymbol)
case ')':
topElement =;
if (topElement == '[' || topElement == '{')
return false;
case '}':
topElement =;
if (topElement == '[' || topElement == '(')
return false;
case ']':
topElement =;
if (topElement == '{' || topElement == '(')
return false;
if (s.empty())
return true;
return false;
int main()
string expr = "{()[]}";
if (checkBalancedParanthesis(expr))
cout << "Balanced";
cout << "Not Balanced";
return 0;
Hope you've got satisfied answer of Balanced Parenthesis problem!
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